Thank you for stopping by for a visit. You are invited to read and comment on anything posted on this blog. I advocate the maximum amount of Personal and Economic Liberty, consistent with the defense of individual rights. I am fiscally conservative yet socially tolerant, I favor lower taxes, free trade, individual rights, strong national defense and limited government. I subscribe to the Freedom Fighters Creed: I am an American Patriot, defender of the Constitution, First Principles and Essential Liberty.

I believe that buried deep down inside every Conservative you'll find a Libertarian - And Inside Every Liberal Is A Totalitarian Screaming To Get Out.

"One of the penalties of refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors" - Plato

FYI any crude or vulgar comments will be removed from the blog.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Government Shutdowns and Death Threats...Bring It On

Maybe you've heard this one. What do you get when fourteen Democrat
Senators go AWOL from their jobs in Wisconsin? You get fiscal
responsibility, the tools to balance an out-of-control budget and
a boatload of evidence that the Progressive Left is prone to violence
and thuggery over process.CONTINUE READING

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