Thank you for stopping by for a visit. You are invited to read and comment on anything posted on this blog. I advocate the maximum amount of Personal and Economic Liberty, consistent with the defense of individual rights. I am fiscally conservative yet socially tolerant, I favor lower taxes, free trade, individual rights, strong national defense and limited government. I subscribe to the Freedom Fighters Creed: I am an American Patriot, defender of the Constitution, First Principles and Essential Liberty.

I believe that buried deep down inside every Conservative you'll find a Libertarian - And Inside Every Liberal Is A Totalitarian Screaming To Get Out.

"One of the penalties of refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors" - Plato

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Friday, November 2, 2012

Intro to Romneynomics

When people ask me how the Romney economic program works, I focus on three points.
First, the American economy is in bad shape. Persistently high unemployment and slow economic growth are causing pain for many Americans. Economic growth so far this year has averaged only 1.7 percent, which is even lower than the paltry 2 percent last year and the 2.4 percent the year before that. Median household income is declining sharply and the federal debt, which burdens both current and future generations, is exploding.
  president mohamed moris
  Photo credit: NewsHour
While we had a financial crisis and a recession four years ago, the recovery from that recession has been far weaker than recoveries from similar recessions in American history. Some say the deep recession is the reason for the slow recovery but that is not what American history shows. Historians of the American business cycle from Milton Friedman writing in the 1960s to Michael Bordo writing today have demonstrated that deeper recessions, even those with financial crises, are typically followed by faster recoveries. The following chart shows that the 6 percent average pace of recovery from the eight previous recessions associated with financial crises has been three times faster than the 2 percent pace of this weak recovery. CONTINUE READING 

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